Simple Bar Chart - Information is loaded from a Database Table
Above chart is loaded from STATS table.
To update the charts, please authenticate as admin, update the STATS table information and refresh the page.
Note: Admin account can be created using the createsuperuser command.
The Routing Settings
This page has a simple rule defined in the
app/ file:
# Contents of file: app/
urlpatterns = [
# Charts from Input
path('charts-input' , views.charts_input, name='charts-input' ),
Render Flow
The code that render this page use the information from STATS table.
The model
comes with a inner method that selects all rows: get_report().
Once the STATS rows are selected, controller read the page template and inject the information.
Source: app/
- charts_input():
# Partial content from file: app/
def charts_input(request):
context = {'segment': 'charts_from_input'}
html_template = loader.get_template('charts-from-input.html')
stats, labels = Stats.get_report()
data = [
'y': year,
'a': '{:.2f}'.format( stats[year].get('prod1_sales') ),
'b': '{:.2f}'.format( stats[year].get('prod2_sales') ),
'c': '{:.2f}'.format( stats[year].get('prod3_sales') )
} for year in stats
context['chart_data'] = json.dumps({
'element': 'morris-bar-chart',
'data': data,
'xkey': 'y',
'barSizeRatio': 0.70,
'barGap': 3,
'resize': True,
'responsive': True,
'ykeys': ['a', 'b', 'c'], # it can be custom
'labels': labels,
'barColors': ['0-#1de9b6-#1dc4e9', '0-#899FD4-#A389D4', '#04a9f5'] # it can be custom
return HttpResponse(html_template.render(context, request))
Database Model - STATS
The model
comes with a inner method that selects all rows: get_report().
class Stats(models.Model):
year = models.IntegerField(_('year') , db_index=True)
prod1_sales = models.IntegerField(_('product 1 sales'), db_index=True)
prod2_sales = models.IntegerField(_('product 2 sales'), db_index=True)
prod3_sales = models.IntegerField(_('product 3 sales'), db_index=True)
class Meta:
verbose_name = _('statistic')
verbose_name_plural = _('stats')
def get_report(cls):
data = {}
labels = ['prod1_sales', 'prod2_sales', 'prod3_sales']
stats = Stats.objects.order_by('year').values()
for line in stats:
if line['year'] not in data:
data[line['year']] = {}
data[ line['year'] ]['prod1_sales'] = line['prod1_sales']
data[ line['year'] ]['prod2_sales'] = line['prod2_sales']
data[ line['year'] ]['prod3_sales'] = line['prod3_sales']
return data, labels
The chart data is rendered using Morris JS,
a popular open-source chart library.
The source file